I workout

Wallclimb (uppersh) Plankwalk out. (Upper body Reverse lounge+ knee up. (But core Op arms op leg. (Butcore Lunge twist. (Sidebut Ball burbee. (All Kissande hunden. (SideofBut Sparka upp bak . (But Single leg sq (butlegs 5 burprer then u get to plankm, (all xo, (abs v-ups,(abs roat.knee or leg (abs bicykle crunch (sideabs side lunge transicion, (buthips side planks to push ups(all Dumbell swing, frog jump fl, but , sit up glude, abs feet to hands. Core Hands to feet. Abs Superman. Lb Sideplanks. Side abs Cow boy all . Plank knee to elbow core f . Plank hand to foot. Core b. High knee. Forward sprint with band, eight pushup Bearcrawl, jumpsquad vs plank Seven minuits jump rope Widesquat, mountain clumbers. Sprints Ex, 4wallclimbs 20dumbellwings 10 exlunges per side 10pushups/sideplank/crunches Suicides 25min. Run4stairs7hills 25min


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